Blenheim Cemetery, 3/17/2018
Blenheim Cemetery (early 19th century)
Photograph by James Roy, 11/26/17
On a hill overlooking the Susquehanna River, a small cemetery contains the graves of two Blenheim families: the Smiths and Sappingtons. The six graves are marked with large tablets set on blocks. Outside of the fenced cemetery lie two marked graves of servants, and a depression in the ground along the southwest side could be the resting place of a third.
The cemetery is entered on the northeast side through a wrought iron gate.
In the spring of 2018, members of the Bulle Rock Historical Society cleared the invasive growth and completed minor repairs to the tombstones.
Sarah Knight Smith (3/8/1770 – 5/30/1828)
Paca Smith (12/2/1779 – 8/25/1830)
Dr. William Sappington (2/3/1789 – 12/1/1849)
Amelia Jane (nee. Ramsly) Sappington (4/12/1792 – 2/8/1843)
Cassandra Francis (nee. Durbin) Sappington (5/4/1766 – 9/25/1852)
Dr. Richard K. Sappington (9/25/1755 – 4/21/1824)
-------- Outside of stone walls-------
Possible unmarked grave
Nathan Ramsey, servant of John Kentucky Sappington (7/12/1836 – 12/7/1864)
Luther Howard, servant of the Osborns (d. 12/6/1942)
Photograph by Allen DeShong, 1/28/2018
Photograph by Allen DeShong, 1/28/2018
Photograph by Allen DeShong, 1/28/2018